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Thematic Experts, CEWERU coordinators appraise early warning data collection tools, indicators

CEWARN, national CEWERUs alongside thematic experts and other senior Member State officials convened in Debrezeit, Ethiopia on 15 June 2016 to appraise the pilot implementation of early warning data collection tools in Somalia, Sudan and Uganda.

The meeting was preceded by a three-day experts session to refine data collection tools, indicators and technological tools piloted in these three countries over a six-month period. CEWARN intends to learn from the pilot phase and roll out the system to the remaining Member States before the end of 2017.

CEWARN’s integrated data collection and analysis system can pull and process vast amount of data covering broad conflict themes categories along five sectors namely: Social, Economic, Environment, Economy, Governance and Security.

The meeting was organized with the support of GIZ and World Bank.

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