Ethiopia’s national conflict early warning and response unit convenes to expand its membership
CEWARN convened a revitalization workshop of the national Conflict Early Warning and Response Unit (CEWERU) of Ethiopia on 10-12 May in Bahr Dar town of Ethiopia. The workshop brought together officials from the Amhara, Somali, Gambella, Harar, Southern Nations and Beninshanghul Gumuz regional states as well as representatives of civil society organisations and the academia.
The main objective of the workshop was to reconstitute the steering committee of Ethiopia’s national CEWERU and expand its membership to embrace a wider network of national institutions that have a peace, security and development mandate relevant to CEWARN’s early warning and response operations. CEWARN’s operations currently cover human security concerns across economy, social affairs, environment, governance and security sectors.

During the workshop, participants were taken through presentations on CEWARN’s mandate and operations; the CEWARN protocol; as well as presentations on key CEWARN initiatives like the Rapid Response Fund (RRF) as well as CEWARN’s early warning architecture and tools.
The meeting was organised with financial support from the European Union through the IGAD Promoting Peace and Stability in the Horn of Africa Region (IPPSHAR) Programme.