CEWARN convenes technical committee on early warning to appraise emerging security concerns and ongoing peace building initiatives

CEWARN concluded a meeting of its technical committee on early warning that brought together heads of national Conflict Early Warning and Response units (CEWERUs) and civil society organisations from Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Uganda. The meeting was held on 29 – 31 May in Mombasa, Kenya.
The meeting’s main aim was to prepare for the annual convening of the CEWARN’s senior Policy organ meeting, also referred to as the Committee of Permanent Secretaries (CPS) that comprises deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs of IGAD Member States that regularly appraise the mechanism’s operations.
The technical committee received reports on ongoing conflict prevention activities of the national conflict early warning and response Units. One of the key items on the committee’s agenda was exploring ways of sustaining the mechanisms of civil society-based data collection networks as well as mechanisms to ensure data quality that informs early warning analysis.
The meeting also reviewed CEWARN&’s analytic products including the 2023 conflict profiling & scenario building report that reflects emerging peace and security challenges in the region as well as a Conflict Atlas that presents geographic analysis of violent incidents.
Other deliberations included progress of work in implementation of the projects supported by the CEWARN Rapid Response Fund (RRF) as well as initiatives related to research, outreach and communications initiatives.
The Committee of permanent secretaries is scheduled to convene in June 2023.