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CEWARN Wraps Up 2024 with its bi-annual Technical Committee Meeting

CEWARN convened its 19th Technical Committee on Early Warning and Response (TCEWR) meeting in Mombasa, Kenya, on 16–17 December 2024. This final activity of the year brought together national Conflict Early Warning and Response Units (CEWERUs), civil society,

 and other stakeholders from across the IGAD region to assess progress, strengthen partnerships, and address evolving security challenges.

The meeting served as a critical platform to deliberate on pressing issues such as humanitarian crises, climate-induced displacement, transnational crime, and youth radicalization. A highlight of the agenda was the presentation and rigorous review of the 2024

 Conflict Profiling and Scenarios Report, which offers a comprehensive analysis of nine key security risks and threats facing the IGAD region.

These include:

  • Transnational organized crime;
  • Inter-state tensions and intra-state wars;
  • Economic strain, including inflation, unemployment, and debt burden;
  • Gender-based violence (GBV), particularly in conflict;
  • Forced displacement and humanitarian crises;
  • Climate change risks, including eroding livelihoods and forced displacement;
  • Governance deficit;
  • Geopolitical threats;
  • Unregulated use of technology in crime and warfare

The report outlined potential scenarios—likely, best, and worst—and provided actionable recommendations for mitigating these threats. It will be officially released following a review by the CEWARN Committee of Permanent Secretaries (CPS), CEWARN’s highest policy organ, in early 2025.

Discussions also focused on enhancing CEWARN’s data management capabilities to ensure timely, effective interventions and expanding partnerships to strengthen inclusivity in conflict prevention efforts. Participants underscored the importance of innovative solutions and collective responsibility in building resilience and securing peace across the region.
This meeting not only capped off CEWARN’s activities for 2024 but also laid the groundwork for a robust, collaborative approach to address emerging security challenges in the year ahead.

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