Introducing the CEWARN GIS platform
CEWARN’s GIS Unit regularly produces maps that provide spatial analysis of conflicts in the region containing physical and human factors of conflicts – where applicable. CEWARN uses open source data from its incident reporter database and its situation room reports as well as other available data sources like ACLED.
Currently, there are three categories of maps highlighted below, which can be easily accessed through the links provided. Links are regularly updated whenever modifications are done.
IGAD Region Civil Dissents Map:
Civil dissent incidents include Protests, Riots, and Demonstrations in the region that have been captured in these various sources. The incidents are analyzed and mapped on a bimonthly basis. Civil dissent incidents are important as a key indicator on the state of affairs and stability or fragility of a given country or Region.
Map on the IGAD Region Nile Riparian States, Existing and Contested Investments and Conflicts:
Major investments along the main tributaries of the Nile, riparian states and contested investments.
Map on Inter communal conflicts in the Major Pastoralist clusters in the Region:
Cluster 1, (Karamoja, Turkana and Toposa) Pastoral conflicts associated with adverse weather and environmental conditions